The Anti Human Trafficking program seeks to inform and educate people about Anti human trafficking, HIV and AIDS, STIs, gender based violence, stigma and discrimination. This is with the intention of influencing their attitudes, behaviours and beliefs toward the achievement of a society that is knowledgeable about their health risks. It is mainly done by trained staff of Faraja and Community Health Workers from the different wards.
The program aims to raise awareness on human trafficking and provide measures to mitigate its severe effects in 18 wards of Singida municipality through provision of education in the community, schools, colleges, institutions, health centres, religious centres, as well as local community meetings.
The objectives are met by disseminating focus knowledge based on Human Trafficking, Gender Based Violence, Substance Abuse, and HIV/AIDS/STI to the public by promoting and expanding our information, education and communication services (IEC) to reach the community members.
With the help of the Jukwaa – a platform which brings together stakeholders from both Government (police, prosecutors, health institutions, the municipal leadership) and non-State actors (the Faith Based Organizations, lawyers, community leaders, politicians, CBO’s and other NGO’s) – Faraja occasionally solves Human Trafficking related cases in the area. Faraja has currently saved and rehabilitated 21 victims of Human Trafficking.