MMM-CBHC conducts a Human Trafficking workshop to Singida stakeholders and the Jukwaa members
Following the agreement of the meeting that was held in 2nd July, Faraja in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs and the Salvation Army organization conducted a two days training workshop on Human Trafficking to Singida stakeholders and the Jukwaa members that included: Police force Tanzania (Immigration Services), Health Personnel (Health and Social Welfare Ministry of Home Affairs Judiciary), Social services (Community Development, Gender and Children) Government lawmakers (Constitutional and Legal Affairs.) Representative institutions and Vehicles and transportation representatives.
The training held was aiming to promote understanding and sharing of best practices of the members work experience and performance in line with the Anti- Trafficking in Persons policies and regulations that promote human dignity, protect the people from any threats of violence and exploitation, eliminate trafficking in persons and mitigates pressures for voluntary migration and services of persons.
From the training, key concepts and indicators regarding Trafficking in Persons were discussed, country experiences, challenges and good practices regarding Human Trafficking were shared. The Ministry hopes that with this training the stakeholders will have enhanced knowledge and understanding of the constituent elements of the offence of trafficking in persons that will lead to development of programs and interventions that promote human dignity, protect the people from any threats of violence and exploitation, eliminate trafficking in persons and mitigate pressures for voluntary migration and services of persons.
The training was crucial in equipping the stakeholders in the Platform with relevant knowledge and skills in trafficking in persons to be delivered to the community members in Singida region. Hence, contributing to the existing efforts of Faraja CBHC Centre organization that is front lining the anti-trafficking in person Act of 2008 through awareness raising on human trafficking to 18 wards of Singida municipality to eliminate trafficking in person by all its form.